blogs I'm reading latelyThere is almost nothing I love more (on the internets) than finding a new blog. Reading a new post sent to me by someone or recommended by Twitter, loving the "voice" it was written with and the pictures shown and the styling of the page, reading all of the comments and wanting to know more about the author; then, reaching back into the depths of the archives, seeing where it all began and how far the blogger may (or may not) have come, and feeling those same feelings within myself as a blogger. I love that!


Now that I reread the above paragraph, I sound like an internet stalker. Well, if it's true, then hopefully only in the best of ways! We all have a finite number of hours in the day, and as I am learning this week some of those hours must be spent on sleep - but some of the hours must be spent on things that bring you joy, and I have to say, reading my favorite blogs does that. Here are some of my favorites (which will also be conveniently located on the right hand sidebar for the rest of eternity and for your easy reference) along with a little bit on why I spend precious time reading them.


Absolutely Fobulous: I met Amy, one of the three women behind AbFob, working at my first job out of law school. It took a little while for us to get to know each other but now that we do, I love how many shared interests we have - both lawyers-turned-bloggers looking for a creative angle to our careers. AbFob (hope she doesn't mind the abbrev) is a quirky, adorable, and spot-on look at the immigrant cultures of the three women who write it!


A Cup of Jo: I can always count on Joanna Goddard to know the newest clothes trend (she turned me on to Everlane t-shirts), the best summer cocktail recipe, or the funniest online video. Her blog is a wonderfully reliable mix of stories of motherhood, friendship, love, and New York life.


Alex in Wanderland: I found Alex's blog a while ago but have only recently started reading about her adventures. She has the kind of life that makes you jealous but also nervous - a self-proclaimed nomad, she spends her days traveling, blogging, freelance writing, and becoming a dive master. I love following her adventures. Plus, she's really sweet!


bigBANG studio: The design, photography, and writing of this blog make it a pleasure to read every time I open the page. She also co-founded a block printing venture with her sister - they travel to India to meet with the textile printers, design new prints, and hand block print them onto scarves for sale. This blogger is just all-around impressive.


Carly Sparkles: Carly is my best friend from college, living in Seattle in her adorable Queen Anne apartment (near Queen Anne? I can never remember the Seattle neighborhoods) with her adorable equally-nerdy boyfriend (they just posted on FB about making Star Wars cakes together) and blogging about homesteading, crafting, beauty, and life goals. I talk to her almost every day and I still look forward to each new post. Read her!


Delightfully Tacky: I don't remember when I started reading DT, but I do know that it is one of the blogs I look forward to each day. DT follows Elizabeth, an Alaskan transplant in Tacoma, Washington, blogging about her job as a web designer, her journey as a newlywed, and her everyday life. She also has some of the most beautiful outfit photo posts I've ever seen!


Don’t Call Me Gringa: Emily and I went to high school together, so when I heard she had a blog about her adventures in Chilé, of course I began to follow it! She posts about her travels in South America (and elsewhere, but less frequently), her Chilean husband, and their adorable dog. She also takes gorgeous, mouthwatering photos of her favorite food events.


Eat Drink Chic: Another graphic design blog (written by Amy Moss of Australia) which constantly demonstrates impeccable style and taste. I just love browsing her posts and seeing the images she brings together! She also offers free printable pieces for party themes and designs various wallpaper backgrounds for her readers. So much fun.


Lauren Elizabeth: This twenty-something is more established in the blogging world now than I could hope to be within the next five years. Her outfit posts are meticulously styled, she has a jewelry line with her sister (also a blogger), and she adorably posts instagram after instagram of her two cats. She is real, and though we may not be the same age, I have fun reading about her style and daily adventures.


House of Humble: Follow Katie and Reuben, an Australian couple who blog about crafting, thrift-shopping, coffee-drinking, and photographing everything in the countryside of Victoria. They make me want to move to another country and begin my crafty country life! Sigh.


Kendi Everyday: I just love Kendi's fashion blog. Her pieces, unlike some other fashion blogs I've followed for a short time before, are realistic for most women. She mixes old and new styles, Anthropologie and Gap Outlet, and to further prove her passion for fashion she owns a boutique in Texas with her husband. Her writing always comes across fun and witty but also kind. She's the kind of blogger you want to get coffee and then go shopping with. Fingers crossed for someday!


live.happy.inspired: The styling and design of this blog are always eye-catching, and she posts the most wonderful collections of new styles or products. I always find something I desperately want when reading one of her posts, whether it's a recipe or a pair of earrings.


Oh the Lovely Things: OTLT is, according to the blogger herself, "a catalogue of various treasures." It is indeed - I love her DIY projects, her graphic design pieces, and her recipes. You always need a blog like this on hand for some easy, enjoying reading. It really is lovely!


One Sheepish Girl: I just love following Meredith's journey. A self-proclaimed introvert, it has been so fun watching her grow and change over the past year alone. Recently graduated from college, she is making her way in the craft world with myriad projects and articles, while also maintaining her breezy spirit and sharing her weekend plans and recipes with her readers. Her Etsy shop inspired me when I first started. She's great!


Rebekka Seale: When I found Rebekka's shop and blog on Etsy, I spent three days poring over her blog history and reading all about her life in Nashville. Through apple pies and baby showers, I marveled at her artistry (both in her illustrations and in daily life) and vowed to make my life as crisp, clean, and natural as hers. I look forward to her posts every week. As for that vow? It's still a work in progress.


Sassy in Sequins: Though we've never met, I feel like reading Emily's blog is the same as reading that of a friend - she's quippy, snarky, fun, funny, and has a life very similar to mine (including being a job-searching lawyer!) She's not afraid to discuss her love of beer, fashion, and country music. I hope we get to meet up someday and swap real-life stories, not just blog comments!


Smitten Kitchen: I'm sure you all know Smitten Kitchen by now, but for any social media stragglers who haven't yet joined her culinary crew, SK is an incredible (and incredibly tempting!) food blog written by Deb, a woman who believes in simple-but-superb ingredients and recipes. I found one of her recipes online (Roasted Tomato Soup with Broiled Cheddar) and have been hooked ever since.


The Daily Raz: I met Dee Raz a couple of years ago when we both joined the Junior League of Palo Alto/Mid-Peninsuls. Unfortunately, Dee ended up moving to Nashville and I decided not to continue with JL, but I will always be grateful for the experience and for the friendships it brought me, like Dee's. Her blog posts about beauty, work, and life in a new state are fun and heartwarming.


The Fashionista Lab: This blog was sent to me by a friend, and I can't get over this blogger's style. Adele is fun, spirited, and not afraid to take risks with her fashion, which lead to great posts for her readers. I had the good fortune to run into her outside a café near my apartment once and introduced myself (awkwardly, at 8am) and she is just as friendly and poised in person.


The Londoner: The Londoner is written by Rose, a British woman around my age who, as far as I can tell, live the most fabulous life of all time. She attends makeup launches and movie premieres, goes on Greek sailing trips and visits to her parents' countryside estate (they go hunting a fair amount) and above all, she cooks and cooks and shares her glorious photos and recipes. I'm not sure how her life is real, but her blog is a good read and at the end of the day her lavish lifestyle comes off as charmed and endearing...especially the posts "written" by her tiny dog, Custard.


Top with Cinnamon:  Everything she cooks and posts makes my mouth water. Everything. What makes it even more astounding is that she's a 17 year old student in London, blogging in what little spare time she has. Please, a slow clap for Miss Izy!


vmac+cheese: Another young woman whose life I wouldn't mind emulating a bit more! Meet Victoria, a San Franciscan turned New Yorker who started her blog after culinary school in 2008 and has been sharing snapshots of her life ever since. Perfectly styled and expertly curated, her posts always brighten my mood.


wit+delight: Written by Minneapolis-based graphic designer (are we sensing a theme here?) Kate, W+D is one of those beautiful blogs you wish you had thought of. She perfectly, and easily, combines style, visual arts, recipes, and entertaining tips into one cohesive space. I usually read her blog on my reader but visiting her blog (and seeing her original layout) only solidifies her skills as a visual designer. A truly inspiring blog.


Hopefully these blurbs have given you an idea of why I like following the lives and loves, trials and tribulations, snacks and sweets, of these bloggers. And maybe you'll want to start following them too! You can always find them here in my "Reading, lately" section on my sidebar. Just look to the right!


Do you have favorite blogs or websites you check every week? Let me know in the comments!


(image credit here)