Wearables: Ripped Jeans & Things

I am shocked these photos turned out as decently as they did. I'd thought I had to take all outfit photos in the morning, all the time, no exception. Turns out I can take them with some sunny afternoon SF light, and one roommate "supervising" the process. Ha. DSC_0648

// sweater: Target

// tank: Gap

// denim: Gap

//heels: Target Missoni collection (similar)

//bag: Foley + Corinna (here with updated hardware)

I'm going to be completely honest - I didn't own half of this outfit a week ago. I went to Target last week while I was borrowing the family car and got the sweater to wear to work. Then I spent all weekend helping my parents move things from their storage unit in Palo Alto to the new house in Marin and got the t-shirt and jeans I was wearing completely filthy. I was supposed to go to a housewarming party, also in Marin, that evening, so what else was I to do? I ran (drove) to Gap and got the tank and jeans. I have to say, I try to avoid fake-worn in jeans, but these ones are growing on me. As in, I already love them. As in, I had to stop myself from wearing ripped jeans to work this morning. Just saying.

More pictures after the jump:

DSC_0635 DSC_0645Why didn't I just use the washer-dryer like a normal, economical human? Because my parents' dryer is notoriously finicky and I determined I didn't feel like showing up to this shindig in wet pants. And, really, you can never have too many pairs of jeans...says the girl with thirteen pairs of jeans wait what who said that? Weird. DSC_0663 DSC_0665 The bag, well... I just love that bag. That's all there is to it. I may have bought it back in the olden days (2009) when I saw Stephanie Pratt wearing it in brown on The Hills. Gorg gorg gorg. Had to have it, bought it, haven't looked back. Want another one. But! I'm keeping that urge in check. DSC_0683 DSC_0686These shoes are all that was left from the famed Target Missoni collection that came out a couple of years ago. They were one of the last pairs, period, they were in my size, and they were cute. Done and done. Carly managed to snag a couple of sweet dresses from this release if I recall correctly, but she went at 7am - now that's dedication to the cause! DSC_0687 DSC_0693 DSC_0694 The necklace is one my mom made for me in college - she hand wire-wrapped each teeny tiny link wih a gemstone and then attached them together to make the chain. I can't even believe how much time and energy it took, and I am so lucky to have such a creative mother! Who gives me pretty things to wear!


The only thing I can compare it to is the fact that it took me two hours last night to do ten rows of an infinity scarf and the scarf takes ninety (90!) rows so I realized it would take me ten days to finish this scarf at that rate. That's like a movie's worth of knitting time a night. Better get my Netflix queued up...! I've heard there's this show called "Breaking Bad" that's good? It has like, this teeny cult following, you've probably never heard of it...(scoff.) DSC_0706 DSC_0714 DSC_0727 I don't wear heels that often in "casual everyday life" but maybe I should start?


What do you think, are ripped jeans back in yet?