High Five for Friday, vol. 13

It's been a minute since I've done a HFFF post! Have you missed it? Missed my banter? Missed the links? Thought so. IMG_0011

High Five

While there has been plenty going on in my HFFF absence (left old job, started new job, got notice roommate was moving in November, got notice rent was increasing in October, got a new apartment, made my first court appearance at new job), this particular week's High was the fact that I moved into my very first Grown Up Big Girl Apartment. A studio! With my own kitchen! And my own shower! And my own mini living room! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I am living alone from here on out. And no, I won't tell you where it is. If you are my IRL friend I might inform you via email if you're lucky. Otherwise, it's just going to be me, sitting amongst my still-packed boxes, and watching The West Wing for the rest of the month.

Low Five

The good thing about having a job that is willing to train you is that they don't mind showing you the ropes. The bad thing about having a job willing to train you is that eventually they expect you to do actual things! This week, work has reeeeeally picked up. I'm pretty excited to be given my own cases, and I know that I could go to any of the other attorneys in my office for help (and that I still have a lot left to learn), but there's still that extra level of pressure put on you when you start gaining responsibility. I guess that's what color-coded schedules are for! #silverlining

Your Five

- It's a couple of weeks old, but this secret video of Daniel Radcliffe acting as a Nylon Magazine receptionist gets me every time.

- What does your favorite ice cream flavor say about you? I'm Mint Chocolate Chip, and I'd like to think it's spot on! Mint chip people sound pretty cool... (get it. get it.)

- Speaking of health, here's a sneak peek at what the Professionals (fitness instructors, to be precise) eat for their midday meal.

- I bought Marie Kondo's book months ago, and still haven't read it. Eep. I have, however, read several articles touting the basic principles in it, and I learn something new every time!

- Oh, to be able to have a chic closet that is also this minimalist... A girl can dream, can't she?


What were you all up to this week? Leave a comment below!