Exciting news, Bloggees! Yours truly  has officially been selected (ok ok, via random drawing... but still selected!) to run the Nike Women's Half-Marathon 2012 this fall!

This is a race I've done for the past two Octobers and it does not get any easier or any less fun. Perks include: a goodie bag pre-race with samples from all the sponsors and coupons for SF things like Cole Haan and Ghiradelli Chocolate; snacks and new music each mile along the [gorgeous] run; and, bragging rights. Can't forget those.

The first year I did it, I could barely walk the next day and was still sore a week afterwards, but wearing that sweatshirt around that said I finished the 13.1 mile race made it all worth it. I'll admit it now - I'm a bragger. A self-congratulater. A pat-myself-on-the-back-er. And this race is perfect for that!


But seriously folks, this race is a great day of fun and personal challenge. Every year I try to push myself a little harder, and even if I don't always meet my specific time goals, just knowing that I've finished it in one piece is enough. Three years ago I never thought I could finish even one half-marathon, and now here I am gearing up for my third. It just goes to show that you can always surprise yourself.

Oh, and at the end, you get a custom-designed Tiffany's necklace handed to you by a fireman in a tuxedo. You can't make this stuff up!