After brunch and graduation, we went to the Edmonds Art Festival to browse crafty peoples' wares and see the townfolk in their natural habitat. You know, just in case people from the Seattle area are different from people in California! Announcement: They're not. "Seattlites: They're Just Like Us." Too bad I couldn't get any pictures of random Seattle residents picking up their dry cleaning for you. Sorry! Next time! Luckily for you, I do have plenty of pictures of my family and me eating gourmet (and it was, trust me) ice cream from the festival! Just for funzies, I thought I'd post some embarrassing pictures of myself in this post. You know, just for something new and different. 89070DAA-70BB-4169-899E-3DDC11AB37A7Notice the necklace Carly got me for my birthday! So trendy and cool. I love that mint color. Normally I pair it with a chambray shirt but something that weekend just screamed "neon orange" to me. DSC_9039Can we talk about how we could see the waterway from the hill we were parked on? And it wasn't thaaat steep of a hill. So you can see the water from most hills. HOW beautiful is that?DSC_9042More family, more water! Sorry, I got a little bit photojournalist-y here. DSC_9047Tent tops! I didn't really want to take photos of the arts & crafts booths, sometimes that feels very "Oh hi I'm here to steal your patterns/designs/ideas/whatever else can be stolen from a photograph don't mind me tra la la." Or it feels like "Hey I'm a rube who's never been to an art fair before so let me take a million pics of it like it's the Great Wall of China or Nebraska's biggest ball of string!" and I didn't really want to convey either of those images. There were a lot of really impressive things though - photography, pottery (I love me some ceramic dishware), a lot of blown-glass which didn't really appeal to me but my mom though the pieces were lovely. Your typical arts fair, except it was in Edmonds, just outside of Seattle! Which was a nice change. DSC_9049Then, finally, we got ice cream! The real point of this post, and the point of my attendance at the art fair after a long morning. Yippie. In waffle cones, which made it extra special. DSC_9050DSC_9052Oh hey squinty grumpy brother, what's up?DSC_9056Aunt Nancy looked adorable with her root beer float. I hope I'm as photogenic (and smiley!) as she is when I'm her age.

Just for your viewing enjoyment, here are the embarrassing pictures you were promised:4A7A12BD-A8A3-4185-811C-066A2A7DF611-14801AE97-C220-424D-97C3-C8DF359927DCDSC_9057 I got mint chip, in case you were wondering. You can tell it's "gourmet ice cream" because they used real flavors (!!) and the ice cream is white (!!) and not neon green. Although there is something to be said for a neon green mint chip shake from Baskin Robbins on a hot summer's day...

Tomorrow's post will include: More pictures of my brother with a less surly face, more action shots with Carly, and lots and lots of pictures of seafood.