wkndatthesnowDuring winter last year I went to Tahoe for a short weekend with some law school friends. Most of them went snowboarding and skiing so Camille and I basically ended up going to the casino near our rented cabin and eating overpriced (but delicious!) food at the Hard Rock Café. We definitely thought it was going to be a little more relaxing-near-a-fireplace-with-a-good-book than it was, but it was still good to get out of the city and spend time with some people I hadn't seen in a while!  

That weekend was in January, right after I got my new camera, so I took a little bit of me time (I was wearing Uggs, I didn't venture very far) and took some practice shots of our surroundings (read: nature) to get the feel of my camera. Some of these are a little goofy but some aren't too bad I think! Anyway, I'm still learning. There is always more to learn!


I figured y'all might want to see what I'm talking about, so click through for more snow pictures (can you tell I'm looking forward to cold weather again?): 

DSC_7117 DSC_7108 IMG_6107 IMG_6115 DSC_7123 DSC_7126DSC_7127 DSC_7146 DSC_7156 DSC_7164 DSC_7170 DSC_7172 DSC_7173 DSC_7183 DSC_7184 DSC_7203 DSC_7206 DSC_7207 DSC_7229 DSC_7235 DSC_7240What do you think?