Fork it Over: Ricotta and Chili Flakes

My roommates thought I was bad with the soup, and the jalapeño quesadillas? Well, they ain't seen nothing yet. I have found a new culinary obsession, and worse than before, it's not a single dish - it's a whole food. It's ricotta!  

Yes, I know, we've been through this before. Like, with that other ricotta egg dish I posted (which got a lot of responses, thanks for the blog love, you guys!) But I swear, this is...well, exactly the same! This is real love! I want to put ricotta on, in, and around everything. And this dish is a totally made-up and super easy quick fix snack dish.


Yum yum yum. DSC_0744What you need: ricotta // hearty bread or small baguette slices // chili flakes // agave nectar or honey

DSC_0728Mix the ricotta (a healthy dollop, let's not be cheap here) with chili flakes, salt, and pepper. DSC_0732Slice your slices, and then slice them in half if you use large bread, so that they're manageable pieces. Toast them a little! DSC_0733 DSC_0734While your bread is toasting, throw some arugula, parmesan shavings, and pumpkin seeds into a bowl. Mix with olive oil and a bit of white wine vinegar and call it a salad. Just in case you need some green with your extra helping of cheese. DSC_0735Use the good stuff if you have it, this is what good olive oil is for! DSC_0739Spread the ricotta mix, and re-toast. Get it nice I was going to say toasty but that was just too far. DSC_0741When you take it out, drizzle some agave or honey over the slices. Stand back and admire how flipping delicious it looks. DSC_0742 DSC_0745 DSC_0747Then, you know. Dive in. Big bites - this is a snack you'll want to savor. And then make more of. And then maybe go for a run because, please, it's a dish made of mostly cheese and bread. But then make some more!


(At least, that's what I do.)