Since I keep talking about being so excited for fall, I thought I'd share a few things I'm going to miss about summer this week. That way it'll be a little harder (but, still, not impossible) for anyone to accuse me of playing favorites with the seasons!

1. Lemonade cravings lemonade

If winter's drink is coco, and fall's drink is cider, then summer is the time of the lemon. Lemonade, that is! It's refreshing, you can make it sweet or sour or with a little over-21 kick, and it just always looks so darn pretty in a glass. I'm going to miss having regular lemonade-craving-inducing weather around - somehow the icy beverage is not quite as appealing on 45 degree mornings.

2. Running outside running

I can run on a treadmill, but I run both farther and faster when I'm outside, pushing myself to get to "that next tree, the further stop sign, over that hill." It sounds corny as all get out, but there's just something different about pushing your body to an extreme feeling while in nature. Something about the earth and connecting to the universe and feeling all primal and whatnot. It's great! When it rains though, I like it less. So running outside is primarily a summer-weather activity...

3. Picnics picnic

Most of my friends can attest, I'm not the outdoorsiest of people. I can definitely enjoy nature (see: above), and there are times when I really enjoy camping in the wild and "roughing it," including hiking and kayaking and overnighting, etc. But most of the time, when I'm in the city, I like to do city things - go to the movies, go to restaurant, get coffee and catch up with a friend at an adorable purposefully-mismatched-bistro-table-set. Except for picnics! I love picnics. Grabbing snacks (or making some yourself - the roommates and I set up a sick Memorial Day BBQ this year!) and heading out to a plot of land with some drinks and a blanket and your friends and a camera is such a quintessential summer activity that you can't really do once the ground starts retaining rainwater. So, adieu picnics! Until next year!

What's the thing you'll miss most about summer?