Hey y'all! Friday was a little hectic so I didn't get the chance to share this, but I'm participating in a giveaway on A Stylish Little Lady from now through November 11! Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 6.27.41 AM

The details of the giveaway are on her site, which I'll link again right here for you, but essentially there are several Etsy shops participating in this handmade extravaganza totaling over $350 worth of goodies, AND the winner takes all! You could share some of the pieces with your friends, use them as holiday gifts, or just keep them all for yourself and revel in your good luck.

Like I said before, the giveaway is going on now and will run through Monday, November 11. But, just enter soon anyway, to be sure! The winner will be announced Friday, November 15.

To enter, go to the page link on her site (I've linked to it all over this post) and enter via the Rafflecopter box at the end of the post.

ps - I will be posting a new Wearables sometime this week that may or may not involve this year's Halloween costume, so, get excited for that.