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This past weekend and week were slightly more relaxing than the last few have been, but still kept me on my toes!

1. Saw my friend Kara get married to a fantastic guy (shout out to Patrick for remembering I traveled to NYC recently and that my bf lives there!) and danced my toes off with our friend Kate. Also, took super cute pictures, viewable on my instagram account. Also, got dropped off and picked up by Kate's mom, just like in high school.

2. Got to spend Sunday morning brunching with Kate and Debbi, two of my good high school friends. Debbi just moved back to the Bay a few months ago and I'm so excited to have her around again!

3. Debbi witnessed me making several dishes for my blog, including this one that I am obsessssssed with: peaches, ricotta, honey, and toasted almonds. So simple, but seriously satisfying.

4. I made a new blogger friend last weekend! Dhruvi from Stilettos & Sequins and I met up to take outfit photos (you'll see the ones she took of me on Monday! Check out her post from this week to see the ones I took of her...) and got sushi lunch after. It's so fun to meet new people who are interested in this crazy blogging life and who understand my obsessive photographing.

5. I went to the movies for the first time in a few weeks (months?) with Evan this week. The ticket cost $17 (nighttime, 3D, only available showing we could get to on a Wednesday) and it was worth every penny - X-Men: Days of Future Past is amazing! Such a great storyline, funny dialogue, great acting, etc. It makes me want to go rewatch all of the first X-Men movies from the early 2000s. Anyone know where I can find those? I wish Blockbuster still existed...


Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth this week!