Samia's Birthday Brunch Bash

This weekend, we got together to celebrate a special day, one that only occurs once every twelve moons, and that requires great feasting and toasts to commemorate the occasion. We wore ceremonial garb and abided by the rules and customs set in motion by our foreparents.  

...We made brunch for Samia's birthday, y'all!

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Hold on, don't scamper off - there are many, many more pictures inside!

First, we had to decorate, so that others would know immediately upon arrival we were here to celebrate and we meant business. What you don't see in this shot is a purple-wrapped railing trailing all the way down the stairs to the front door - when we commit to an idea, we commit!

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Of course Samia was the first one to arrive (so punctual, that one) and of course we made her wear the crown. She was overjoyed to do so and then somehow the crown got lost in the hustle and bustle of the actual cooking and brunching... how did that happen??


We started making the ceremonial breakfast beverage (hot coffee with half & half and agave optional) and settled in to cook the festive fare.

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Others showed up, with OJ and champagne as directed, and more ceremonial beverages were consumed. Ahem.

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Are you ready to see the most unflattering party hat picture of me? Are you?

Here it goes!


...I was so busy photographing the food that I didn't take many pictures of the humans. Plus, I figured, most people don't want to be paparazzi-ed while they're eating and wearing silly hats and casual clothes. So, you get this one picture of me!

Meredith brought over this amazing melon spread...

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...and Leslie was the queen of the Waflera!


Also, props to Samia for her amazing eggs - I don't know what she does, there's something with butter and stirring and cheese, but they always turn out perfectly. Sad that she had to cook her own perfect eggs on her birthday, but luckily despite the crown, girl's no princess about it!

Har har har.


The one male guest in attendance was Sasha's boyfriend - aren't they cute? Doesn't our breakfast nook look tiny? Yep. People were standing in doorways that morning.


And then... the birthday peach! After Samia made a wish and blew out the zebra candle, L sliced it up so everyone could have a piece. Cake-style.

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I think she was pretty pleased with the entire affair.

What's that you say? You want our number for your future events? Well, I'm not surprised - we are the masters of birthdays AND brunches in this apartment. Our rates are very pricey because we are in such high demand...but I think we'll be able to work something out.