High Five for Friday, vol. 10

(Follow my blog with Bloglovin) Somehow, it always takes me a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of things from a vacation.

At least, that's what I'm telling myself this week!

Have you ever felt that way? A vacation or a long weekend can be a wonderful reprieve from the day-to-day routine, but other times it just makes getting back into that routine even more difficult. Whether it's because you're physically exhausted, wishing you were on an island somewhere, or just overwhelmed by work that piled up in your absence, sometimes it's hard to remember the joys of a trip when you're returning to the real world.

UntitledAll of that is to say, I'm still getting my ducks in a row after our family's trip to DC. I can't wait to share pictures and stories with you! Look for that sometime next week.

High Five

I had two major high moments this week - first, I know I keep saying it, but I really am so touched by your responses to Monday's post! It's nice to see I'm not the only one feeling like that, and I'm glad now maybe some of you feel comfortable talking about it too! You know where to find me.

The second major high of the week was a discussion I had with a few fellow bloggers and lady entrepreneurs from across the country... it really inspired me to take a look at the direction in which this blog is going, to jumpstart my knitting for the year, and to aspire to great things in general! I can't wait to put some of these ideas into action.

Low Five

My low five this week is a major lack of sleep. I blame this on Orange is the New Black. (Have you seen? Do you love?)

Your Five

- I love this advice by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie about not trying so hard to be likable at the expense of being honest and genuine.

- BRB I have to go buy all of these Harry Potter candles.

- We've all heard about the dangers of being too sedentary, but now here are some pro tips about how to counteract that. Lord knows I need them!

- I am a perpetual shopper, and I love my stuff dearly, but I really like the idea of this 5-Piece French Wardrobe. It really forces you to buy quality pieces, and not to get sucked into flash trends!

- This Onion article about San Francisco needing to move out of San Francisco due to rising rents is only funny because it's so sadly close to being true. Womp womp.

It's supposed to be beautiful this weekend! I hope you all enjoy some time this Father's Day with your family and friends.