DSC_6466DSC_6467DSC_6473After spending a few months living as a two-some, with an empty living room we were both too busy to even use properly, Lily and I decided to bring a third roommate into our humble abode. These tulip pictures are from the day we showed the apartment; it was nice to spruce everything up and feel proud to show off my SF home, and of course fresh cut flowers never hurt (just don't ask about the weird dyed-pink daisies I got for the hallway, I don't want to talk about those.) We got an insane number of responses on Craigslist (I'm talking upwards of 150 emails in a matter of days) and met up with ten ladies before asking our new roommate, Leslie, to live with us! Hi Leslie, I hope you don't mind being referred to on this site. Whoops. Maybe we should have asked if she is in witness protection during the interview process...

I'm excited to have a new roommate! It reminds me of college, where you live with some different people every year and you end up with more friends and changing social groups because of it. It will also be fun to re-explore San Francisco through her eyes, since she has been living in the city less than a year overall. And, it will just be great to have a new friend! You should know by now that I am a big proponent of making new friends whenever possible. I mean, you're talking to the girl who used to make friends with other kids at restaurants when her parents would take her out to dinner. I'm not a very shy person.

So, there may be an influx of Hot Spot posts and roommate bonding stories in the next few months. We already have our move-in pizza party planned. I'm pumped for this new apartment adventure! I hope you all are too.

(By the way, the above restaurant story took place when I was ten years old or younger, NOT recently! In case that point needed clarification.)