One Two Three: Post-Christmas Wishlist

From the West: Moccasin boots by Minnetonka. 321000_366_45 These boots are simultaneously ugly and fun-loving, and I must have them someday. Fear not, they are low on my totem pole of purchasing priorities, but they will happen. Someday.

From the East: Downton Abbey Season 2 by PBS.

81WvzVPkRCL._AA1500_ This show by PBS has been taking the nation by storm. While it may not be the most intellectually stimulating show available (think Gossip Girl social climbing with the historical accuracy of the Titanic feature film) it is incredibly engrossing, the set design is impeccable, and you care about the characters after the first episode (it takes about that long to understand what's going on with the heirs of Downton.) Downton Abbey is not yet available on Netflix streaming, and I need it now.

From the Internet: Camera bag for DSLR on Etsy

il_570xN.369121306_2yxk My most prized Christmas gift was a DSLR to take my photography to (hopefully) the next step. Now all I need is something to schlep my equipment in as I trek around the city, taking arty pictures of pigeons nibbling on discarded Blue Bottle Coffee Shortbread and rows of vintage fixi bikes lining the streets. This  would be the perfect carrying case.

None of these things are necessities by any stretch of the imagination, but it never hurts to have dreams. Dreams, and a leather hand-stitched camera bag. Yum.