Hot Spot: Marin Brewing Company

My parents and I are still in the midst of exploring their new town of residence in Marin County. One outing a few weekends ago resulted in us, starving, taking food-shelter in Marin Brewing Co. We were looking for burgers and lemonade and we got incredible burgers and lemonade. And maybe a veggie club sandwich.DSC_6052DSC_6055DSC_6059DSC_6060DSC_6061Give me a sandwich with avocado and sprouts on it and I am an unbelievably happy girl. Oh hey also, Undercover Pickle! It was basically hidden underneath my fries like a buried treasure. I love places that make you play with your food, just a little bit, before you can get to it. Yum.DSC_6064After lunch, my mom and I went to a dog store at the same shopping center to find...well, I don't remember what we were there to find. A treat? A toy? A special flea collar? All I know is that I wanted to buy Sophie and Spike a million fancy dog cookies and my mom wouldn't let me. Probably because, let's be honest, she would have been the one paying for the overpriced canine pastries. We left with new dog bowls instead so they won't knock them around the kitchen. Compromise!DSC_6071Maybe I can convince her to get them a mini cake for their birthday in April. Their birthday is April 1st! April Fools, have a dog. I like it.DSC_6072DSC_6074DSC_6075I honestly don't know why the store was named George but I like this stick logo idea. Basic. To the point. Cartoony. I need to convince my friends to take the ferry over to Larkspur with me one weekend. We can lunch at MBC, get an afternoon pint (Ok does anyone still call it a pint? Is this some totally antiquated beer terminology that I am now massacring?), and ferry back, approaching the SF skyline at just the right sunset moment. Who's in?

I should go to the store today. I need sandwich supplies. I think I can recreate this veggie club, if I use a really sharp knife.