DSC_9327Sometimes it takes me so long to knit things (a few rows while waiting for the plane, a few rows while watching One Tree Hill, then nothing for a week...) that I forget to take in-progress shots for you all to see. This time, I remembered! Because I messed up, and had to start over. Just pretend I got it right the first time, I do that often. DSC_9315I've been saying I'm designing a summer-weight bandana scarf for weeks, and I have been, but it's been slow-going. Like, really slow going. This mass of knitting you see in front of you? Took weeks. Weeks! It's hard coming up with all of your own designs and trying to make something out of a tangle of string that you saw in the tangle of nerves called your brain, but on the other hand, there is something really gratifying about having it turn out the way you want.DSC_9316Sometimes knitting is like the tactile equivalent of a crossword puzzle - you know what you want the end result to look like, and you kind of have an idea of the building blocks, but you still have to take time and make a few mistakes and rearrange some letters sometime. Ok it's not entirely a perfect metaphor, but close enough - building your own patterns, or building off of someone else's is really fun once you get it right. The only frustrating part is sometimes throwing your pencil across the room because you're trying the knitting equivalent of the NYT Friday puzzle and you can't figure out the 9-letter answer to 14 across! DSC_9319

Which, FYI, is what happened to me with this goldenrod beauty of a bandana cowl. DSC_9320As you can see, the triangle is becoming a triangle, but it's not the right shape triangle. Took me several weeks and about 50 rows to figure just that out. But before I ripped it all out, and bemoaned the time I'd spent on it, I wanted to try out a different pattern of increases and see what would work.DSC_9322The purple swatch is the correct pattern, even though it looks like one of those fan leaves in these pictures. I haven't steamed the finished product yet so I don't have model shots but soon my Bloggees, soon!DSC_9324The one productive thing I've done this week is experiment a little with my tripod and my remote shutter release. I've taken some headshots for social media profile pictures and (gasp!) some outfit photos, soon to be posted, but haven't had new products to try it on yet. It may sound like a little thing, but I'm really excited to see how my product pictures for es//d turn out with this remote shutter system - I can take pictures of HATS! On my HEAD! From five feet away! Oh, the possibilities. DSC_9326See the difference? The lavender triangle is already so much wider with fewer rows, giving it the right angle for the bandana shape that I wanted!

You'll see pics of me sporting a sweet new bandana pretty soon. Hint: it'll be purple! And, hopefully, I'll finish the yellow one at some point soon...I figured out the crossword, came up with the new pattern, and now I'm going to make it work. Hopefully, without throwing my proverbial pencil across the room too many more times.