Wearables: lovely lavender

Bloggees, it has taken me a long time to get here, but I'm here. My first real outfit post! I think there may have been one or two posts long ago where I posted "about my outfit" but that didn't count. This post, with the nice pictures that I painstakingly took while experimenting with the tripod/shutter release deal until I got a few that looked decent enough to put on the internet for all to see? This post counts as the first one. My blog, my rules!DSC_9505

//  jeans: Lucky Brand (similar) // shoes: Miz Mooz (similar) // blouse: Madewell (similar) // sweater: Madewell

I'm still learning, however. What, pray tell, am I learning? How to take pictures in focus, how to take pictures with both my head and feet in the frame, how to take pictures that don't make me look incredibly unflattering leading to some internet insecurity that noooo one needs. Also, how to take pictures that aren't in cheesy, predictable poses! Ok, maybe I haven't gotten the hang of that last bit yet, but like I said. Learning! Click through to see many more pictures of...well, me!DSC_9507I wore this outfit to work the other day, one of my last days at that job. The office is the kind of place you can wear jeans and no one cares - in fact, I could probably wear TOMs and no one would care, but sometimes it feels nice to dress up, even just a bit. So I wore heels! Later, walking a mile in these same heels to meet my mother after a doctor's appointment, I learned that was a mistake. But what are you gonna do? Sometimes I want to be the girl who wears glamorous things on a regular basis, but sometimes I just like my flats and sweatshirts. Good thing life isn't the kind of thing that makes you be one thing all the time! You get to choose anew, every morning, every day.

I read somewhere that fashion is how you show who you are, and that every day you can be someone different, and I think that's so true. Or at least, different versions of yourself. You should always be  yourself!DSC_9515DSC_9518DSC_9519My mom bought me these earrings at a jewelry show. She used to make gorgeous necklaces and earrings for her own jewelry line, making me the envy of several friends in college when they heard I got the stuff for free. Some, like Carly, got bits and pieces too that she still wears! I still have the pieces she made me, and sometimes I can't believe how much time she spent on them. It's like how much time I put into my knitting though, sometimes it's just a labor of love, and you feel it's not worth doing if you don't do it right.

She doesn't design as much as she used to, but sometimes we still take a Saturday or Sunday morning and go to the Cow Palace or the San Mateo Fairground or whatever warehouse is hosting that weekend, and pore over the booths full of gemstones, pearls, fastenings, and clay beads from all over the world (including some reclaimed beads over 2000 years old - there are some seriously impressive pieces for what you might otherwise think of as a "cheesy bead show!") DSC_9534DSC_9561DSC_9566DSC_9567DSC_9568This isn't my favorite outfit, the lavender shirt fits a little weirdly and the heels are kind of clunky, and I definitely don't love the way these jeans look at certain angles...but, it was really fun sharing it with all of you! I think I just might keep it up.