I have loved chambray since my first shirt, back in 2009, from Urban Outfitters. I have loved colored pants since 2010 when I picked up a yellow pair from...Urban Outfitters. Are you sensing a trend here?DSC_0357

// shirt: Madewell

// pants: J.Crew (similar)

// Wedges: TOMS

// clutch: Urban Outfitters (similar)

// watch: Target (similar)

While the brands of this outfit may be slightly upgraded (except, hint: check out the skull clutch), the style is the same, and I hope it doesn't go out of fashion anytime soon. The easiest outfit for me to look decently put together wearing few individual pieces is a chambray or patterned shirt, colored pants, flats, and some form of gold jewelry. Whammo kablammo, done and done. If you learn one thing from this post, learn my lazy dressing habits. They have fared well for me so far!


On another note, I love these TOMS wedges, and I wish that when I left the house in SF each morning it wouldn't look so funny to be wearing open-toed shoes. Every morning starts out like the dead of winter - foggy, cold, windy, overcast, etc etc you get the gist. There is not a flicker of sun to be seen when I leave my apartment at 7:25 to make my bus, and thus, it looks SUPER WEIRD to be dressed for the 75 degree day I'll be having down in Mountain View. This is summer for goodness sake's, I should be able to wear wedges without shame! Sadly, my wedges are shame-ful. At least, in SF, in the morning.


Oh yeah, by the way - that clutch has skulls on it. I haven't worn it but the once but you know I love me some weird things, so, let's just throw that clutch into the "ugly phase" category of purchases. It may see some wear yet - it's such a summery skull clutch, don't you think?


Click through for more pics!
