Levo League Article: 3 Things to Consider Before Applying to Law School

Screen shot 2013-08-13 at 8.44.34 AM Just a short post today - usually I do work on the shuttle in the mornings but today the shuttle I was in didn't have cupholders (oh the horror!) so I had to sip my coffee IN HAND and not bust out the laptop. I guess it was relaxing and whatnot but really I'd rather have been doing work. Lesson learned: stop paying for coffee on the way to work? Because you might have to hold it for an hour?


That's not the point of this post, I promise. I have another article posted on Levo League! I am love love loving writing for them - the editorial team is so friendly (and complimentary! Who doesn't like hearing how great she is?) and it is so nice to see my own words in print, on another site. This site has my own words in print because, you know, it's my own site. But they're willing to let me put words on their site! You see what I mean?


I don't know if I'm selling myself very well as a writer right now.


Anyway, check out today's article if you have time: "Three Things to Consider Before Applying to Law School."


(Also, my friend Freyan let me know that another site picked up one of my Levo articles and quoted me! So go check that one out here if you have even more time, or just like reading about me as much as I do.)