One Two Three: Anytime Gifts

I've started this thing where I buy presents for people when I see something that really fits for them, not when it's an occasion and I'm searching for anything that fits. Sometimes I send it right away (as is the case with a little something I picked up today for a friend!) and other times I hold onto it, waiting for a birthday or holiday when I know it'll be duly appreciated.  

To that end, here are a few things I've found lately that I think could make a good gift for anyone, anytime! Send one to a friend just-because, or wait a few more months for the holiday rush...

onetwothree// 1 // 2 // 3 //

1.  I have a new thing for tea towels. The roommates should be happy that I haven't bought all of the beauts I've seen on Etsy of late... this one that I saw at the Ferry Building is just too good to pass up! I love the neutral tones mixed with the graphic design of the words. They also have a "Bake" and a "Devour" and several other great colors and phrases! I want them all. All of the tea towels.


2. The new trend is glass bottles, and I love that this one looks like a cross between a traditional plastic water bottle and an old-fashioned milk bottle. Alliteration never hurts either! This is a great unisex (oof that word - but really, it applies here!) gift.


3. I love simple jewelry and gold jewelry and this necklace is a great combination of the two. The chain is 14k gold fill, which means it's higher quality than most $23 necklaces, and the coating shouldn't rub off - so you can wear it all day, every day!


Your turn - what kind of gift-giver are you?