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Happy Friday, once again! Strange how this happens every week...

1. Brunched - at Luna Park Cafe with some friends from law school (and a couple of new friends) last Saturday to celebrate Galentine's Day! Leslie Knope would've been proud.

2. Perused - at ImagiKnit for some yarn to make wristwarmers for my cousin. I always get sucked in at that shop.

3. Traveled - to Berkeley to dine at Great China with some friends from undergrad. The ice cream alone at the end of the night was worth it!

4. Wore - my new sneakers from Zara that arrived last week. Yes, I know I just gave that big speech about saving money - this is exactly why. Ha. But, I love love love them.

5. Dined - with my book club at Chow, and finished off the night with their flourless chocolate cake. Incredible.


How was your week?

(Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for her H54F series.)