Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled H54Fblack Well friends, it's been a long time since I've done a HFFF post. Life has gotten hectic in the past couple of months and I feel like things are finally settling back down in all the best ways. So, that means blogging will be making a comeback! Including these weekly update posts. Considering I take pictures of almost everything I eat and see and do, there's no excuse not to post 5 of those shots each Friday. I know you all enjoy it, right? RIGHT? Yep, thought so.

1. Coffee and croissants with friends at Thoroughbread Bakery - A couple of weekends ago Lily and I caught up with a friend in town and spent the day nibbling (okay, downing) croissants, coffee, lemonade, and sunshine. We also got our nails did, which was fantastic. There really is no greater unnecessary luxury. Except for maybe a massage or something but I've never gotten one so right now I'm sticking with nails as the best pampering (this is some really exciting commentary here.)

2. Batik print scarves at The Ferry Building - My mom picked me up to bring me home for a family event last weekend, and we made a stopover at the Ferry Building to shop around and pick up a birthday gift for my aunt. We both were completely entranced by The Gardener, my mom's favorite store. I may have picked up a few things (cough fancy magazines cough batik head scarf) and we found a great gift for Aunt Nancy. Unfortunately, the line for Blue Bottle was just too long to justify that day... Curse your addictive power, hand poured brew!

3. Photos from Fish. Restaurant - On our way back to Marin, mom and I met up with Big-T at Fish. Restaurant in Sausalito. I, of course, took some pics for the blog that you all saw this week. Can't even get over how delicious it was.

4. Cups and bowls from Crate & Barrel - Did some home wares shopping this weekend. Cute, right?

5. A bit of Harry Potter on my commute - I started rereading the HP series over the holidays and brought all of the books back to SF with me. As corny as it sounds, I really grew up with these books - when the first came out, I was about 11 or 12, the same age as the protagonists. Seeing as the books were released every year or so, I was basically the same age as the main characters for most of the books, and as I grew up and became more adult and more serious, so did the books. I remember waiting in line at midnight outside the Palo Alto Border's on at least one occasion for a book release, and the year I was on the East Coast looking at colleges with my parents during a release weekend, I got lucky enough to buy a brand new copy at a tiny train station in Rhode Island. It's like the Universe knew! I feel absolutely no shame in being a 27-year old woman who loves to read Harry Potter. And watch the movies. And read articles online. And I wish Hogwarts was real OK I'M DONE NOW.


So, tell me - what was your favorite thing about this week?