Small Screen Style | Rachel Green, FRIENDS

So, by general consensus, today's theme was difficult. Rachel Green is so iconic, but because of that, it's hard to imagine anyone else in those shoes! It would be like if a man tried to dress up like Chandler... in some ways, it would just be a guy wearing 90s clothes, since Matthew Perry is really what makes the part come to life. I mean, literally, since he was the actor... anyway. Jennifer Aniston was Rachel, and without any of us being Jen, it's a little difficult to replicate Ms. Green. I think we all tried our best, however, and reignited some love for the 90s in the process!

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I decided to emulate her Ralph Lauren years, when she was all about sleek lines and solid color palettes (at the very end... not that unfortunate patterned era.) ...And, boots! She rocked some great boots in the later seasons. These boots have been biding their time in my closet, alongside this dress I wore to an office party years ago, waiting to show off what they've got! The jacket is from a suit I wore while working in law school, and I think it adds a bit of that "90s structured blazer" look.

Turns out, I didn't need to buy anything extra for this challenge - it was all in my closet! I need to wear a lot more of the clothes I own. This "jeans and sweaters and maybe a pair of earrings" uniform just isn't cutting it in adulthood.


I wore my hair curly à la Season 1 Rachel because I had originally planned on wearing a different outfit...but, c'est la vie, I liked this one a bit better, and didn't have time to go stick-straight like her. Plus, how could anyone really replicate the iconic Rachel hairdo? I didn't even want to go there.

So, what do you think? DSC_6819 DSC_6835 DSC_6828 DSC_6830

There are plenty of reasons why Rachel is my favorite character on Friends (her style, her spunk, her wit, her ability to be charming even when being totally stupid, and how she always ended up making the right choice in the end) but there's one line that still gets me:

"I got off the plane."


Blue Dress from Ruti (similar) Ann Taylor suit jacket (similar) J.Crew wicker clutch (similar) Rebecca Minkoff boots (similar, similar) __________

Psst - Don't forget to enter the giveaway again today! These great pieces by Roman & Sunstone are part of the $600+ jewelry package we're giving away all week. We've selected these items based on Rachel's simple, elegant style - and they could be yours!


a Rafflecopter giveaway