It's that time again! I'm linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for her High Five for Friday series and giving you all a little peek into my past week...menu1knitting2icecream3bowl4pics5H54Fblack

1. Last weekend Kate was in town, and she, Lily, and I went to a nearby wine bar for some cocktails and catch up. I tried the Second Star to the Right and loved it - I highly recommend a trip to Maven and a sip of the Peter Pan-inspired drink.

2. I started a new scarf in a new stitch this week! I'm very excited about this new experimental pattern, inspired by this post from PurlBee.

3. I have been taking far too much advantage (taking advantage far too much?) of the mini ice cream cones they have for the soft serve at Google. In fact, I've been taking too much advantage of the soft serve. Time to starting hitting the gym again on the regular and training for my Nike Women's Half Marathon this fall.

4. We had a team bonding event today at the bowling alley at work! Yes, you read that right. No, I don't feel bad about bringing it up. For once I love my job. Tra la la! Ok, now I'm done. Also, I bowled several strikes, and several gutterballs. Hit or miss, I am.

5. I came home today to a letter in the mail (!) from one of my best friends (!) thanking me for attending her gorgeous wedding (!) and sending me cute pictures she'd printed from the event. I can't wait to post the group shot somewhere in my room! The one of just me might go to someone else who wants pictures of just me, like the bf. It's only fair, since I see me all the live-long day...dontcha think?


What were your fav happenings from this week?