Wearables: Introducing the Newbury Bootie

Sup Bloggees! It's been a while. The holidays have come and gone, friends and family have visited and returned home again to their all-too-far-away abodes, and, most importantly, I bought myself new boots. Rag & Bone boots, to be exact.


I have been coveting these babies for months now, and against my better judgment (who are we kidding - it is totally in line with my judgment to spend money on shoes) decided to splurge on myself for the holidays. Don't worry, I splurged on my family too! But, I figured, what better time to buy myself something a little ridiculous than when I am ostensibly going to continue being employed for the foreseeable future (read: through April) and I've been really, really good about saving for the past several months? No better time. The time is now. The time has happened!

(These are the ways I rationalize these things, in case you're ever wondering. It happened with a Marc Jacobs bag in college that you'll all get to see next Monday.)

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The thing I love about these booties is that they can be dressed up (wearing them right now with a flowing silk shirt, black pants, and a high pony in preparation for a nice dinner tonight) or paired with casual pieces for an "everyday look" as - hopefully - shown here.

I feel so obnoxious using that phrase "everyday look" but it really does apply here. I plan to wear these as often as I can get away with it without giving myself that hamstring shortening issue that can come from wearing high heels everyday. Or, so I've heard. From others.

Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Leave a note below! I'm done bragging now. Don't worry, I'll be eating ramen for a couple months because of this purchase. You know what? So worth it.



//boots: Rag & Bone //jeans: Gap 1969 Denim //sweater: Gap (on sale) //bag: Therapy //nailpolish: Bronze Aztec


PS - We had a couple of short-legged guests take part in the photoshoot. Some outtakes for your amusement:

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