TGIF! That's about all I have to say for this week. This weekend I'm getting my haircut and doing some fun things for my mom's birthday, and hopefully getting lots and lots of sleep! But until then, here's what I did this past week...

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1. Got my nails did! Nails and toes, really. Never a bad thing. I normally love this place but this time they kind of poked at my cuticles... oof. I'm debating getting a shellac manicure before I leave for NYC next week!

2. Did a fun little Madeleine Blogs egg hunt on Easter! Check out the instagram page if you haven't seen it.

3. Spent Monday with the family applying for passports for an as-of-yet unplanned trip. Having a passport never hurts though - at least now I'll have more jet-setting and spontaneous abilities.

4. Spent some time appreciating the sunshine and the apartment this week. And, of course, photographing it. For instagram. Again.

5. Celebrated Spring with lots of color (mainly from Old Navy, to be honest) and a coffee/scone combo yesterday!


Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth on her blog today, head over there for other H54F posts from around the web.