Wearables | The Birks are Back

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I'm trying really hard, you guys. I'm trying really. flippin. hard. to bring back Birks! Once I have a fashion goal in mind, nothing can assuage me. I'm going to make them work, and make even the most skeptical fashionistas into believers.

Just, maybe not with this outfit.

There's nothing wrong with it, per se (in my opinion), but it doesn't have that oomph either. This outfit is exactly what it appears to be - a comfortable, yet reasonably cute, look for flower shopping on the weekend with your mother. Or, running errands. Or, laying in the grass. Something outdoorsy and casual! Yes, those are precisely the events for such a look.

But I have ideas. I have plans! And I will make Birkenstocks a thing. Don't believe me? Here are some other people trying too!



sweater | Target, old (similar) flower top | Madewell, old (similar here and here) jeans | Madewell, old (similar) sandals | Birkenstocks backpack | Baggu sunglasses | Ray Bans, old (similar)