It's that time again... seems to happen every week, doesn't it? Har har.

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1. Last Saturday I took a ferry to Angel Island (with some friends, bien sur!) and hiked around the island, took some selfies with the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance, and then relaxed on the picnic benches near the docks for a few hours before taking the ferry back to SF. It was a long, tiring day, but it was so worth the energy depletion to be out in the sun and enjoying nature! Must do this more.

2. On Monday night, the roommates and I made fish tacos and guacamole. Delish. I just love the bright green of the limes and the deep purple of the cabbage together!

3. Wednesday night, I went to an amazing food/art/community event at 18 Reasons in the Mission. I'd never been to (or even heard of) this org before, but I definitely plan to go back for more events! We got a 3 "course" (it was all at the same time, and all served by ourselves...) meal and some wine for about $25, and got to meet a lot of other interesting people while learning about how the artist made the dishware we were using. It wasn't something I'd normally seek out but I'm really glad I tried something new.

4. I've started re-reading one of my favorite series, the Thursday Next series, this month. It begins with The Eyre Affair and continues on through four or five other "sequels." Let me know if you want to borrow them!

5. I met up with a few law school girlfriends last night for happy hour at Hopwater Distribution to catch up on life. We've determined that, like book club, our Happy Hour Club shall meet once a month and everyone gets to choose a location! I'll keep you posted on how this goes...