Wearables | The Silk Pants Experiment

DSC_4360DSC_4368DSC_4373DSC_4390_2DSC_4392DSC_4411 I am sometimes an experimental fashionista. There are definitely times I look at the strangest thing in a store, and immediately think of three ways to style it that I think I have a 60% chance of pulling off. Usually these ways involve basic denim and some kind of high heeled boot, but, I'm just saying. There are times I want to take chances. I still somewhat regret not shelling out $60 for a Zara Mens sweatshirt with a screenprint of a Renaissance-style painting on it featuring little cherubs. It was totally outlandish and I still think I could've made it work (with the aforementioned denim and boots!)

That's neither here nor there, and that chance has passed, I think (pauses to check Zara site) - alright, technically the sweatshirt is still online, but I'm just telling myself the chance has passed. The point is, sometimes I want to wear crazy things, and other times (like in this outfit post) I am worried that I will not be able to pull off a reasonably "normal" thing. Sometimes wearing a crazy thing is easier because the piece is already a little outlandish and is making a statement, so you don't have to worry about people saying "Oh that's not understated at all." Nope, no it is not, you are correct - versus when you try to pull together a more less-loud ensemble and it doesn't achieve the desired neutrality? That's worse, in my opinion.

So, these Uniqlo pants were an experiment. They are technically silken pajama pants to be worn around the house, but I think with something covering up all the embarrassing bits they can transition quite nicely to the out of doors for brunch or to run errands, or maybe even go out for a drink if you want to get dressed up about it.

Well, what do you think?

__________ top | H&M, unavailable online (similar) silk pants | Uniqlo "Drape" Pants shoes | Target, old (similar) belt | Gap, old (similar) bag | Zara, old (similar) earrings | Old Navy, unavailable online (similar)