I think it's only fitting that I'm writing this the morning of our last big clean out day in the old apartment. By the time this is posted, that chapter of my life will be closed (and a three year chapter is an odd thing to close!) I've been brainstorming for a couple of weeks now how best to introduce my new digs to the blog -- you all got a few peeks here and there of my former apartment in my older outfit posts -- and I finally decided to just go the "honesty" route.

(Does that seem insincere in quotes? It's not, I swear!)

I'm sitting here, in the midst of still-full boxes and piles of folded clothing, drinking my coffee out of one of the two rotating mugs I've been using for the last couple of weeks, and I want to give you a real look at what moving in is like when you're a working adult. Not that you don't probably already know, but, I wanted to show off my struggle. I freely admit this.

(Ideally there will be a follow up to this post where I show everything organized, fully constructed, and as minimalist as I can possibly be. If you know me, you know this will be a Herculean task, but I'm up to the challenge!)


First, let me just say, there were at least six boxes of books moved into this friggin apartment. I re-stocked my bookcase underneath my television, and still have stacks and stacks of books leftover. If I ever needed a reminder of my pseudo-hoarding tendencies, this would be it.

The saddest part? I haven't read most of them! I need to get into serious literary action. Then I can start giving these away as recommendations (or donating them to the library... or leaving them in a back alley somewhere in shame. Whatever works.)

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(These are the ones that A. look the cutest and B. are next up on my reading list. Why yes I DO need to learn all about relationships from Bethenny Frankel! Love her.)

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My kitchen is the place that has been the most unpacked, funnily enough (you'd think it would have been the closet.) However, there are still a couple grocery bags of dried goods sitting on the floor that have yet to be shelved, and my whole little plant posse needs to be redistributed around the apartment eventually.


Aaaaand the yarn.

The yarn is... well, the yarn. The Great Wall of Yarn is going to be the first thing anyone notices when they walk in. I still can't decide if I should organize it by color or type or weight or what, but eventually I'll have my own little knitting factory up in here. Want a custom order? Come on down and pick out your colors!

(It'll be like the nail salon of knitwear.)


Shoos shoos shoos. Let's get sum shoos.

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My "thing," I decided years ago, was collecting older edition Nancy Drew novels. I used to have a plant perched atop these lovelies but then the plant had to be watered. Now it's just hiding my internet cord. #workinprogress


That tall white box is a standing clothes rack undercover - eventually it will be placed in front of this super wide mirror and will offer some respite from the duffel bag clothing situation that is currently taking place in my living room.


My bed is on a 3 foot tall platform, I kid you not. Notice the molding on the wall? The molding that is usually at eye-level? Yep.

It makes me feel a bit like I'm clambering up in to an adult bunk bed every night, but once I'm settled in there it's my own cozy little nest. I've been sleeping better in here than I have in months, so there must be something to this lofted bed concept.

It also, to be honest, gives me the under-bed storage that I so so so desperately need. I don't know if you know this, but I have a lot of stuff. Maybe with this set up I'll finally be able to organize and live a life sans clutter? It remains to be seen.


I am obsessed with my turkish towels from Ella Lou. I bought them on a whim while positioned across from Lindsay (the founder/owner) at a craft fair last fall, and I haven't looked back since. I also bought a couple of throw pillows that are currently still in linen-storage (aka a gigantic box under my bed) but which will soon be gracing my apartment... somewhere! I'm lusting after with her ikat napkins too.

Alright, let's face it -- if I could afford to replace all of my home goods with things from her shop, I would.


There's always time for a bathroom selfie.

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(This is Marcel. Marcel joined the family last Christmas but wasn't ready to move out of my parents house just yet. He's currently taken up post guarding my electrical cords and terrifying my visitors.)

As you can see, things are in a state of flux! However, there are some little corners that are coming together, and I know eventually everything will be in precisely the right place.

...I just hope you'll all come back to see the finished results, and not only remember my apartment by these snapshots!



When was the last time you moved in to a new place? How long did it take you to settle in? I welcome any and all tips!